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7 Food Lovers Tips for Visiting Budapest

Starr Wlodarski

7 Food Lover Tips for Visiting Budapest

Budapest, the beautiful city on the Danube River is 2 cities Buda & Pest.

It’s the start or end of your Danube River cruise, either the more well-known Western Danube itinerary or the often-forgotten Eastern itinerary that runs between Budapest & Bucharest, Romania.

For history lovers, it was the 2nd capital of the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary, ruled by the Hapsburg dynasty. The one member of this dynasty is still revered in Budapest is the Empress Elizabeth, who learned the rather difficult Hungarian language and who spent a lot of time at Godollo, which was the Royal Palace outside of Budapest.

Budapest is full of wonders. Regardless of your reason to visit, whether it's to take in the detailed architecture, soak in the history, or enjoy the natural sites. Don't leave without indulging in the delicious authentic dishes served throughout the nation. Your palette will be dancing with all the rich flavors. To guide you to some of the best spots to grab food in Budapest, we've created a list of 7 food lover tips for your visit.

  • You most certainly can't leave Budapest without trying one of its most traditional foods, langos. Langos is a flatbread that is deep-fried in fat and can be served plain or smothered with cheese blends and other flavorful toppings. You can find langos nearly anywhere, but we recommend heading to the Central Market Hall.

  • If you love pastries, you’ll need to try a slice of Dobos Torte, is sponge cake layered with chocolate buttercream and topped with caramel. Or perhaps a slice Gerbeaud cake, cake layered with apricot/walnut filling topped with dark chocolate.

  • Every year from September 5th to 8th, you can catch the Budapest International Wine Festival. This festival has been running for many years and has become custom to the natives and tourists alike.

  • If you're in the country in October, make your way to the Budapest Palinka and Sausage Festival to try some of the fantastic European brandy paired with any of the many sausage varieties you will find throughout the stands.

  • Hungarian Unicum is one of the most famous liquors in the country. It's in herbal bitterness that aids in digestion, which you will find helps tremendously after delving into all of the spicy street foods. You can also head to the Zwack Museum to learn all about the miracle liquor.

  • Make way to the Etyek-Buda Wine Region to experience one of the leading wine-producing villages that have been around since the 18th century. This winery makes for a great day trip. Just prepare yourself to try dozens of varieties.

  • Anyone who loves the age-old delicacy marzipan, visit Szamos Marzipan, a museum in honor of the artists Mátyás Szamos and Károly Szabó. These artists started shaping marzipan into the shapes of flowers and other beautiful creations back in the 1930s, and this museum intends to keep their spirit and tasty treats alive.

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